
Everything You Need to Know About Fake Cell Towers
Is it dangerous to live near a cell tower?What are fake cell towers?Can cell phone towers cause health problems?How far should you live from a cell to...
cell phone radiation is dangerous and should be limited
Cell phones emit low levels of non-ionizing radiation when in use. The type of radiation emitted by cell phones is also referred to as radio frequency...
what function automatically identifies and adds ranges of cells in your worksheet
excel voc.QuestionAnswerAutoSumA function that automatically identifies and adds ranges of cells in your worksheet.HeadingsThe identifying letters and...
How to use the ISBLANK function In Microsoft Excel
Use the ISBLANK function to test if a cell is empty or not. For example, =ISBLANK(A1) will return TRUE if A1 is empty, and FALSE if A1 contains text a...