Computer - page 2

7 Fascinating Computer History Documentaries
7 Fascinating Computer History DocumentariesThe Computer Programme. The BBC produced this documentary back in 1982, when personal computers for the ma...
5 Ways to Speed Up Your Windows PC
Whether you're browsing the web or trying to get a project done under a time crunch, these techniques should help your PC run more quickly.Try the Per...
9 Reasons Why Your Windows Computer Freezes
“Why Does My Computer Keep Freezing?”Too many programs open at once. When you open a program, it uses valuable disk space. ... An outdated driver. ......
Do You Shut Down Your PC at Night?
Unless you're still using a computer that's over a decade old, the power savings from turning it off every night is negligible, as long as you have it...
How to Make Your Old Computer As Good As New
Your wallet will thank you!Free up and optimize hard disk space. A hard drive that's nearly full will slow down your computer. ... Speed up your start...
What Affects CPU Performance? Here's All You Need to Know
What factors affect CPU performance?How can we improve the performance of CPU?What affects computer speed the most?How much does CPU cache affect perf...
Which Is Better Shutting Off Your PC or Putting It to Sleep?
Power surges or power drops occurring when a machine is powered by its power adapter are more harmful to a sleeping computer than to one that is compl...
How to Automatically Shut Down a Windows PC at Night
To automatically shut down your Windows computer at night, we are going to use the regular “Task Scheduler.” To open the Task Scheduler, press the Sta...
PC Troubleshooting Guide - Why Your PC Stops Working
Why did my computer suddenly stop working?What to do if PC stops working?Why does my computer become unresponsive?How do I restore my CPU?Why does CPU...