
Found is Better Than Spotlight. It Searches The Files On Your Mac And In The Cloud
How do I fix Spotlight search on my Mac?Why is there a cloud next to my files Mac?How do I stop my Mac from saving to the cloud?How do you delete thin...
Prevent Spotlight From Indexing a Particular Folder [Mac]
Head to System Preferences > Spotlight > Privacy. Here you can choose which drives or folders to exclude from Spotlight's index (note that yours...
How to Search Google Data With Spotlight on Your Mac
The Shortcut All you have to do is type something in Spotlight that you want to search on Google, like “macobserver.” Then, press Command (⌘) + B. It ...
How to Omit the Developer Search Results from Spotlight on Your Mac
You could also use Spotlight to launch this preferences pane — press Command+Space, type Spotlight, select the Spotlight shortcut, and press Enter. Lo...