
linux kernel interview questions

linux kernel interview questions

Basic Linux Interview Questions and Answers

  1. What is Linux kernel used for?
  2. What are the interview questions in Linux?
  3. How do I prepare for Linux admin interview?
  4. What is Linux short answer?
  5. Is Linux a kernel or OS?
  6. What exactly is a kernel?
  7. What are the basic elements of Linux?
  8. Why is Linux better than Windows?
  9. What is file system in Linux?
  10. How do I see CPU and memory usage on Linux?
  11. How do I know my swap size?
  12. Where do I ask questions in Linux?

What is Linux kernel used for?

The Linux® kernel is the main component of a Linux operating system (OS) and is the core interface between a computer's hardware and its processes. It communicates between the 2, managing resources as efficiently as possible.

What are the interview questions in Linux?

Linux Commands Interview Questions and Answers for Experienced

How do I prepare for Linux admin interview?

The following Linux admin interview questions and example answers can help you prepare for your interview:

  1. Explain how you would assign the umask to a user permanently.
  2. What would you do to change the default run level?
  3. Describe your process for creating an ext4 file system.
  4. How would you use NFS to share a directory?

What is Linux short answer?

Linux is an Open-Source Operating System based on Unix. Linux was first introduced by Linus Torvalds. The main purpose of Linux was to provide free and low-cost Operating System for users who could not afford Operating Systems like Windows or iOS or Unix.

Is Linux a kernel or OS?

Linux, in its nature, is not an operating system; it's a Kernel. The Kernel is part of the operating system – And the most crucial. For it to be an OS, it is supplied with GNU software and other additions giving us the name GNU/Linux. Linus Torvalds made Linux open source in 1992, one year after it's creation.

What exactly is a kernel?

A kernel is the central part of an operating system. It manages the operations of the computer and the hardware, most notably memory and CPU time. There are five types of kernels: A micro kernel, which only contains basic functionality; A monolithic kernel, which contains many device drivers.

What are the basic elements of Linux?

Every OS has component parts, and the Linux OS also has the following components parts:

Why is Linux better than Windows?

Linux is generally more secure than Windows. Even though attack vectors are still discovered in Linux, due to its open-source technology, anyone can review the vulnerabilities, which makes the identification and resolving process faster and easier.

What is file system in Linux?

What is the Linux File System? Linux file system is generally a built-in layer of a Linux operating system used to handle the data management of the storage. It helps to arrange the file on the disk storage. It manages the file name, file size, creation date, and much more information about a file.

How do I see CPU and memory usage on Linux?

5 commands to check memory usage on Linux

  1. free command. The free command is the most simple and easy to use command to check memory usage on linux. ...
  2. 2. /proc/meminfo. The next way to check memory usage is to read the /proc/meminfo file. ...
  3. vmstat. The vmstat command with the s option, lays out the memory usage statistics much like the proc command. ...
  4. top command. ...
  5. htop.

How do I know my swap size?

Check swap usage size and utilization in Linux

  1. Open a terminal application.
  2. To see swap size in Linux, type the command: swapon -s .
  3. You can also refer to the /proc/swaps file to see swap areas in use on Linux.
  4. Type free -m to see both your ram and your swap space usage in Linux.

Where do I ask questions in Linux?

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