
using targetblank without relnoopener noreferrer is a security risk
Do you need Noreferrer and Noopener?What is rel Noopener Noreferrer?What is blank anchor target implies REL Noopener?Should I use target blank?When sh...
links to cross origin destinations are unsafe
Links to cross-origin destinations are unsafeThe other page may run on the same process as your page. If the other page is running a lot of JavaScript...
target blank security
Should I use target =_ blank?What is the use of target _blank in HTML?What is blank anchor target implies REL Noopener?What is the difference between ...
Firefox security rel=noopener for target=_blank
Should I use target =_ blank?What is blank anchor target implies REL Noopener?Should I use rel Noopener?What does Noopener mean?What is target =_ blan...